"Barb..." I reached out to pat her hand. Barbie recoiled sharply.
"Don't touch me George. I can't trust myself anymore. I fed recently but my control is still so raw that I'm not sure I can be touched without going off and I'm not sure that I'd be able to fuck you without ruining you in the process." I opened my mouth but was interrupted. "Not just your marriage, George, but YOU. This... thing that I was given, it eats energy. Normal humans don't put out enough to come out intact. IF you survived- and that's a huge if- you'd be a slave to Torrid and I. More Torrid than me since the power really comes from him. I get to have all the "fun" but he still calls the shots with whatever happens with the STD."
I take a deep breath and lean back in my chair. This is quite frankly one of the most fucked up situations I've come across recently. Not the most fucked up, but up there. The most fucked up case had to have been in the early days of supernatural law when a guy in California tried to justify the raising of an 8 year old girl as a sex toy. His justification was that she was dead, he didn't kill her, and she had no living blood relatives to complain, so it wasn't an arrestable offense. Necrophilia laws didn't quite cover her since she was walking and talking.Since this happened before supernatural protection laws were drawn up, there wasn't anything to really outlaw his actions and he ended up getting off with probation, which he ended up not serving when he was promptly shot coming out of the courtroom. Now I'm not sure, but I've heard rumors that his corpse was raised and defiled nightly until the government passed a law outlawing that sort of thing. Now you can only get a zombie sex slave if they've previously agreed to it beforehand. DMV "donor" questions are the fodder for endless late night show jokes, but I'm purposely avoiding the subject at hand. Barbie's life was still messed up.
"Barbie. I'm going to be frank. Do you want out of this relationship with Torrid? The system doesn't have anything that precisely covers your situation but if you want I can apply to have your bonding ceremony dissolved. If you want to stay, that's fine. I just want to make sure that you know your options."
Barbie stuck her lower lip out and stared at the floor. "I don't know. Yes. No. I want to be with him but I don't want to screw everything that moves. It's good sex but when you come out of it and realize that you screwed a werewolf with a combover because Torrid wants a free car, you end up feeling sort of cheap." She paused thoughtfully. "But it is a kickass car and the guy was pretty good in bed. And we only do it to the people who want to use or hurt us."
Yeah... the dissolution isn't going to be happening anytime soon. Barbie's already started justifying the relationship in her head and by the look on her face I think she's just now started to realize that she can profit off of this as well. "If you change your mind at any time, I'm here to help you."
10 PM:
I was startled out of my paper induced coma by screaming. I poked my head out of my office to see some goth girl come out of Barbie's office.
"TRAMP! HOMEWRECKER! I'm going to make sure that you never see Derek again!" Goth girl seems to be really pissed, knocking over anything that comes across her path.
"Is everything OK here?" I know I should stay out of it, but dammit- I'm not going to let this girl leave with that murderous look on her face. Last thing we need is for Barbie to get more death threats. Or more love notes, for that matter. If she's not getting letters covered with blood she's getting them covered in semen.
"Everything is fine, George. Falacia's just upset because her boyfriend chose to come to my bed. She just needs to vent." She ducked a pencil sharpener that was lobbed at her head. "I told you and I'll tell you again. I didn't know that he was seeing anyone. If I'd have known, I would have told him to get lost."
"Oh yeah, like that's a good excuse. I saw the two of you in the parking lot earlier tonight. With the amount of time you spent in the backseat of his car you should have seen the pictures of me on the dash." She sneered. "Oh wait, you had some guy's crotch in your face the whole time. How could you have seen them? Or did you and you just didn't care? It wouldn't be the first time you screwed someone else's guy. Maybe you're fucking this guy behind someone else's back as well." Falacia gestured at me and I backed up with my hands raised in protest.
"No way. I wouldn't go there." I shook my head emphatically. Barbie looked a little hurt at how enthusiastically I was denying any attraction to her.